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Announcement Regarding TATUNG CO. (Code:2371) 2020 Annual General Meeting

Tatung Co. held its Annual General Meeting today (June 30, 2020). Since there were some controversial disputes arising from last year’s AGM such as the exclusion of the proposals submitted by its shareholders, the voting time was considered too short and more, the Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center (“SFIPC”) has paid much attention to the AGM held today and designated six people to attend the meeting to monitor the situation on the spot.

Due to the expiration of the term of office of existing directors, Tatung Co. had it in today’s AGM schedule to hold the election of new directors. Regarding the dispute over management rights, the SFIPC has remained neutral. However, if illegal findings are discovered in this AGM, the SFIPC will express its position at the AGM to assure shareholder rights are protected.

Regarding today’s media coverage, it was reported that Tatung Co. stated there are mainland area investors illegally investing in the company. The SFIPC expresses that it is the government authorities that can determine such policy matters regarding whether the accounts of the foreign Investors are from the Mainland area, thus no shareholder should be excluded from attending the AGM or have their voting rights denied.

Update Date:2020/09/02 11:30